Friday, May 18, 2007

Graffiti - Going, Going, Graffiti Gone...

SHUK continues to be very busy - this tag seems to be the most prolific the last few weeks on the mid-peninsula. At noon on Monday I happened by the Spring Garden Place mall and found Graffiti Gone pressure washing a fresh SHUK tag off the wall.

Graffiti Gone may have a very busy summer the way things are shaping up so far. If they were really adventurous, they might contract with SHUK or SAME, as they are clearly able to synergise each other's businesses. Now, would that just be good business in the 21st century, or a plain old conspiracy? Hard to tell nowadays with Enron, WorldCom, Nortel, and Conrad Black isn't it? Certainly in this instance the graffiti is well and truly gone.


If you are interested in pictures from all over the world of ex-graffiti, check out this Flickr photo group - "The Secret Art of Graffiti Removal"


Anonymous said...

Dude, I really like your idea here but I think you need to filter out the doubles, as there are many.

Keep it up though.

TagBagger said...

Yeah - there are doubles, but mostly only in the original post of a tag, and then in the gallery - the idea being that the gallery will get new shots over time, that you don't have to go back to the original post for.
