Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Masterpiece at BC Silver?!


I once read that one way to appreciate an old masterpiece was to look at the perspective in the picture with both eyes open, then close your non-dominant eye. Paintings by the true Masters, pop off the painting into three dimensions. This certainly has been true for Rembrandt and Vermeer, compared to many of the paintings by their peers that I have seen.

What does this have to do with graffiti you ask? At BC Silver school there was a new piece up today, which between the high and rather flat light today at 1 pm, jumped off the wall into three dimensions. Amazingly this illusion held, not just with one eye open, but both. It gave a vary strange sensation, as my hand reached out to the wall, expecting to touch a letter that seemed raised by a centimetre or so, to touch the dead flat wall. Both my son and I experienced this illusion (much to the puzzlemant of a couple of city workers watching).

You may be able to get an impression of this, by viewing the
full size enlargement with one eye closed.


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