Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Who's Bad?

HRM's graffiti policy is crystal clear. HRM will remove graffiti from HRM-owned assets within 3 days. The theory is that the longer graffiti is displayed, the more likely additional graffiti will occur, or spread to nearby sites. So therefor HRM will remove graffiti aggressively from its public buildings. Like the Public Library. The policy looks good on paper.

HRM also offers this friendly advice to anyone who might think about publicizing graffiti - "Avoid showing graffiti as it only gives more fame to the person who did it. If graffiti must be shown, only use one small unrecognizable area, or ensure the background of graffiti be slightly out-of-focus to distort any tags. It can also be photographed at an angle that makes it illegible." "Do not refer to the graffiti writer as an “artist”."

So, I suppose by the HRM's Graffiti policy point of view - I am bad - I photograph (in focus, in it's entirety), post, publicize graffiti, and used the verboten term "artist". In fact - I must be very bad - avoid me at all costs.

So how does HRM shape up? The left photos were taken 2 weeks ago, the right today (Jan 16, 2007). Two full weeks have elapsed. The top 3 are from the HRM Public Library on Spring Garden Road, the 4th from the Black Market.

So - tell me again - Who's bad?


Anonymous said...

You are!!!!

Anonymous said...

Court incr# 2006-98976

Her Majesty the Queen

You have been charged with the following offense(s):
1.Unlawfully referring to graffiti criminals as "artists"
2.Unlawfully showing graffiti "in focus" and "in colour" in photographs
3.Unlawfully showing tags of graffiti criminals "in focus" and "in colour"

You are ordered to appear before an HRM (not Her Royal Majesty) tribunal where questions will be put to you about these charges and about the blog Tagged and Bagged which appears to be glorifying criminal activity.

Failure to appear will result in arrest and possible extraordinary rendition to a country of our choice.

TagBagger said...

No Problem Your Worship - Since you'll be in the plane to wherever graffiti promotors are renditioned (?rended, ?renditied, ?rendered, ?rent) to, for failing to follow your own policy WRT our defaced library sir. Have you no shame?

Anonymous said...

Library? Whassat?
Shame? Whadayamean?

I'm a Mayorsaurus, not a thersarus

Stink Eye & Tube Steak said...

Really neat blog. . .I enjoy the pictures. It reminds me of my friend, who worked in Mexico for a time. He documented great pieces of graffiti art. I find it fascinating.