Sunday, April 01, 2007

Train Trouble

Everyone who has driven in a car with children of a certain age, knows the railway crossing ritual - everyone's feet off the car floor, chanting "Train trouble, oof!, OOF!". Likely the commonest spot in Halifax for this is on the road into the BLIP (Bayer's Lake Industrial Park). On the siding there, freight cars often unload/await some unknown cargo.

Rail cars offer an opportunity to exchange graffiti with parts unknown - mobile billboards circulating around Canada and the USA, seemingly at random - like a message in a bottle on the ocean. Some of Halifax's Taggers (ENDER, STARS) have painted a message in a bottle to whoever receives one of the boxcars currently on the siding. Enjoy the party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Even though I have had two small children in cars at numerous railway crossings over the years... I've never heard of this "Train trouble, oof!, OOF!" ritual. Perhaps we just don't do it in Ontario? Care to share more about this rite of passage (literally)?