Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cool (literally) New Stuff at the Pit

Much to my surprise, there has been alot of activity at the Pit (the Old Cunard lot at Water and Morris Streets) over the winter, despite the cold days.

My hands were hurting just taking these pictures on a clod day - I can't imagine painting in much of the weather this winter - But clearly the ADICTs, ENDER, and APER et al can and do.


Anonymous said...

zeal likes to throw himself up.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck does that mean? zeal is the freshest thing this city has going for it right now....ignorant fucks

Anonymous said...

haha.if zeals the freshest thing in the city, were in for some serious trouble

Anonymous said... zeal deffinitly isnt the freshest


deffinitly tower over him