Saturday, September 08, 2007

Context - Part 3




Anonymous said...

How do we say that


I keep hearing both and don't know which is which.

TagBagger said...

I think its hir ROSH e ma (though it always used to be HeeRowSheMa when I was young.

Scott Simpson said...

(from Yahoo answers)

If you're asking which syllable has emphasis - the answer is NONE of them! Not many words in Japanese have an emphasis on a particular syllable - although when they DO, you find that it's different at opposite ends of the country..!

Hiroshima has an equal emphasis on all of it's syllables, and the rough pronunciation guide using the flat South East England accent (i.e. not with 'cat' being pronounced 'kyat') is
Hi (same as 'he' but with a short vowel sound)
ro (the r is halfway between an r and an l, and the o is pronounced like the 'o' in 'lock')
shi (just like 'she' with a short vowel sound)
ma (the 'a' sounds like the 'a' in 'map', 'cat', or 'wrap'.)