Exploring Graffiti and Tagging in and around Halifax, Nova Scotia - The what, when, where, while trying to figure out the why.
Monday, August 20, 2007
George Bush - "Errorist"
Say what you will about graffiti - mess, message, or medium is the message - sometimes a truly witty/profound graffiti comes along - like this one on a concrete drain pipe near an isolated HRM soccer field.
This deserves a wider audience. T-Shirts anyone?
This is very clever and I too think it deserves a wider audience. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Spending too much time taking shots of Graffiti for my own good (but learning lots about blogging, photography, Flickr, YahooMaps. GoogleEarth, HTML, and even a little about Graffiti) - in and around Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
This is very clever and I too think it deserves a wider audience. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
TSS - Of course in George's case - they would have to be a thousand ONE syllable words...
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