Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The ADICT Crew

ADICT is a large crew of at least 10 guys including SPACE5 SENS(AY) ZEAL CODER2 YRON SEAKING KOFI1 CEAS ZEAL HEROW and BES(O).

Although their tags can be found around, they seem to concentrate mainly on large pieces which can be found at the pit, at BC Silver School and along all the railway overpasses thru the peninsula. They share a similar overall unifying style, but each individual has his own very distinct style. When I've met them writing they have usually been friendly, informative, and not minded me watching or shooting them while working. On a couple of occasions I've had a chance to see their books of photos of their work, which are numerous, and impressive in their quality.

Say what you might about graffiti, I think it's hard to fault the look and quality of their big pieces. They add (ADICT) to Halifax.

Apologies for the scarcity of posting - I've been on vacation and internetless.

ADICT Tagging

ADICT Pieces


Anonymous said...

apers not in adict

Anonymous said...

baha that girl that coder did is so horrid