Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Halifax Commons Skatepark late October 2006

What goes together better than Graffiti&Sk8trBoyz/Grrrlz (other than say Rum&Coke or Sex,Drugs,Rock&Roll)? So what better place to find lots of graffiti and Tags than at Halifax Skatepark near the Commons. Sure enough the older portion of the area is covered with graffiti, and some enterprising Taggers have gotten a headstart on the still fenced off, still under construction expansion.

Overall (given the context of a Skatepark) the effect is quite artistic - a jumble of styles, colours and materials melding into de facto installation art on the Commons.

The usual suspects (YOOPZ, HEUG and VA) are present and accounted for; as are literally hundreds of others

It will be interesting to revisit and follow the progress on the fresh canvas that the expansion represents (short of hoardings at building sites - the most 'socially acceptable' location to tag in the city)

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