Exploring Graffiti and Tagging in and around Halifax, Nova Scotia - The what, when, where, while trying to figure out the why.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Under Construction at the Pit
ADICT's North wall has been painted over - with a promise of things to come. ZEAL neatly salvaged his defaced piece by re-working it. Today VA was busy at the south end, but it was too dark for any shots - maybe tomorrow.
Anyone know who that is? And who is going on the left?
Spending too much time taking shots of Graffiti for my own good (but learning lots about blogging, photography, Flickr, YahooMaps. GoogleEarth, HTML, and even a little about Graffiti) - in and around Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Anyone know who that is? And who is going on the left?
ehyo on the right...hiero comin in on the left
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