Monday, February 18, 2008

2007 Awards - Favorite Place to See Graffiti

From my perspective this one is easy - BC Silver School has lots of space, and therefor lots to see. The turnover rate was fast, so there was always new stuff up, each trip I made out there. Given the quiet nature of the area, and its status as a 'legal' wall for graffiti, time was taken putting up some great pieces, including going to the length of bringing staging in to add a second storey of pieces..

Sadly, it's all gone now, torn down to be replaced with who knows what. On the other hand, "The Pit", coming a close second for this has the inside track for 2008. Thanks to SPACE of ADICT for telling me about BC Silver - I'm glad I got to see it before it was no more.

Favorite Place to See (have seen) Graffiti in 2007 - BC Silver School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

space has gotten way better then he was, which is sick to see....i just wish that he would get even seems he has been stuck for sometime now